To get a feel for this, I made up what seemed to be a comfortable working
Debian and went through the excercise of creating it from a minimum set of
packages.  The working Debian was just on 40 Mb and it needed only  8 Mb
of packages to produce this, as most files came from base1_3.tgz.

In other words the space required in round figures on a cdrom is 12 Mb for
the disk-i386 set plus 8Mb for my selection of packages, or 20 Mb.  So
with 98 Mb available the is 78 Mb free to add other things. 

I created a new tree which was a partial copy of bo, being just the
selected packages and I used the bo Packages.gz file as is.  dpkg was
quite happy with this.  The only trick is to unselect all except the
required packages before using dpkg --set-selections.

Here is the output of my  dpkg --get-selections:-
adduser                                         install
ae                                              install
base-files                                      install
base-passwd                                     install
bash                                            install
bsdmainutils                                    install
bsdutils                                        install
cpp                                             install
cron                                            install
debianutils                                     install
dialog                                          install
diff                                            install
dpkg                                            install
dpkg-ftp                                        install
e2fsprogs                                       install
ed                                              install
fileutils                                       install
findutils                                       install
getty                                           install
gpm                                             install
grep                                            install
groff                                           install
gzip                                            install
hostname                                        install
isapnptools                                     install
kbd                                             install
ldso                                            install
libc5                                           install
libdb1                                          install
libg++27                                        install
libgdbm1                                        install
libnet                                          install
libreadline2                                    install
lilo                                            install
login                                           install
lpr                                             install
mailx                                           install
makedev                                         install
man-db                                          install
manpages                                        install
mawk                                            install
mbr                                             install
mime-support                                    install
modconf                                         install
modutils                                        install
mount                                           install
ncurses-base                                    install
ncurses-bin                                     install
ncurses3.0                                      install
netbase                                         install
netstd                                          install
nvi                                             install
passwd                                          install
perl                                            install
ppp                                             install
procps                                          install
sed                                             install
setserial                                       install
shellutils                                      install
smail                                           install
sysklogd                                        install
syslinux                                        install
sysvinit                                        install
tar                                             install
textutils                                       install
timezone                                        install
update                                          install
util-linux                                      install

Lindsay Allen   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    modem +61 8 9364-9832      32S, 116E

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