>On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Alec Clews wrote:
>> +To provide tools to extract the files required to create Debian-lite as
>> a subset (100Mb?) suitable for inclusion on a CD with other software
>I think should be better that the user installation option produces the
>Debian-Lite "installed system" instead of having another CD with the
>stuff necessary for this.
>       If you just put a pre-dselect program that can be bypassed by the
>experienced user but is a must for the newbie one, you can achieve the
>goal of having a Debian-Lite rising from the Debian system w/o clipping
>anything from the later.
>       In this manner, after the installation, the user could enhance his
>system just running dselect, choosing other packages he/she want.

My intention is that we provide both.

1) From the full Binary CD the option to install a pre-confgured
Debian-Lite system
2) A small footprint set of files to support Debian-Lite for magazines
etc. This file set should
be extracted from the Official Binary CD.

Alec Clews, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,         PGP keyid:48FA EB81
TCA Consulting Ltd  Tel. 44-(0)171-415-8159   Fax:44-(0)171-556-0022
New CIty Court, 20 St Thomas Street, London, Britain, SE1 9SD
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