On 5/23/21 2:54 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 09:10:46AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 09:26:48PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
>>> If someone needs a stimulus to package something - cuteSV
>>> (https://github.com/tjiangHIT/cuteSV), please.
>> I gave it a kickstart while sitting in the train (which will be
>> offline soon).  Everybody can feel free to add own ID to Uploaders
>> and finalise.  There is no build time test running now and no
>> autopkgtest.  Data to test / benchmark are included - so this
>> should be feasible.
> I just packaged the precondition python3-cigar and uploaded to new.

I wrote a sample autopkgtest for cigar (basically used the same thingy in the 
and did a few minor changes.

I have no idea about autopkgtests for cutesv - I lack the pre-requistites here 
and probably only Steffen can help here.

PS: Please check and upload vbz-compression whenever you have time (after two 
days as you wrote would be fine anyway)
I'll be inactive/be away for a couple of days (wish to take a break :-))


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