Hi Andreas,

On 5/24/21 2:34 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Nilesh,
> On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 03:07:09PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
>>> now and I've also uploaded to new.  I admit I forgot for what
>>> final target I was working on this lib. :-(
>> This was the final target: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/ont-fast5-api
> I've commited some changes to ont-fast5-api.  When I try to run any
> of the scripts installed into the package I get:
>     pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'progressbar33>=2.3.1' 
> distribution was not found and is required by ont-fast5-api

I fixed this one, and pushed to salsa. It builds, tests run and looks usable. 
However, one problem - I'm being verbose so we are in loop:

- This package had .so files vendored in ont_fast5_api/vbz_plugin/* -- this is 
a violation, and hence you repacked it - see this[1]
- The so files it had, are basically the shared object files that 
libvbz-hdf-plugin vendors, and that was why we packaged it
- *Now*, we need to somehow tell this package to find the .so files at the 
right location

I did not manage to do that, so I simply ended up symlinking the .so vendored 
by libvbz-hdf-plugin in that directory. This looks like a bad workaround,
and hence if you have some way to fixup paths, please have a look.
The bad change I'm talking about is this one[2]



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