Hi Nilesh,

Am 21.05.21 um 20:12 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> Hi Steffen,
> I believe I have uploaded all 7 packages after making lintian happy and doing 
> a few QA checks. I haven't added autopkgtest to xpore yet.
> It seems doable, will try doing it in the next upload (after it gets accepted)
> Thanks a lot for all your work!

Well, thank _you_! This dragged in much more than I thought it would, I
must admit.

I am currently addressing flappie - the source tree in salsa misses
files that had to be checked out with git lfs (large file support).
Funnily enough, the tarball provided by github is not aware of that.  I
am compressing with xz and do not expect this to turn out to be too
large. We'll see.

On a sidenote - I am a bit of a mission for a tool that allows to grep
on sequences in paired fastq files and create a subset of these two
files, that are then still paired, if an entry in either file was a hit.
Somehow there are myriad of options for single files but I have not yet
found anything for working paired end fastq files. Ideas would be most

If someone needs a stimulus to package something - cuteSV
(https://github.com/tjiangHIT/cuteSV), please.



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