Messages by Thread
10.5.0 images published
Steve McIntyre
"testing" images still not generated
Motiejus Jakštys
Add installation user to sudoers.
andy pugh
question regarding boot
Semih Ozlem
Bug#965999: live-task-standard: Please switch netcat-traditional dependency to netcat-openbsd
Chris Hofstaedtler
Bug#965953: live-build: [PATCH] container hooks
Ronny Standtke
(LIVE) Re: Updated Debian 9: 9.13 released
Narcis Garcia
build stretch image debian-installer fail due mismatch kernel modules
Fernando Toledo
Bug#964914: live-build: Build for bullseye with security=true fails
Ron Murray
Linux-version on splash screen
andy pugh
live-build support for "testing" releases has serious bugs
Processed: py2removal bugs severity updates - 2020-07-08 07:05:48.385357+00:00
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: py2removal bugs severity updates - 2020-07-08 07:00:39.510986+00:00
Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: py2removal bugs severity updates - 2020-07-08 06:56:36.594312+00:00
Debian Bug Tracking System
A couple of dumb questions
andy pugh
(No Subject)
magie . dinar
Customizing ISOLINUX
Juergen Fiedler
Bug#964000: [live-boot] Include packages needed for rescue or a rescue image
Michael Kesper
Upcoming stable point release (10.5)
Adam D. Barratt
Upcoming oldstable point release (9.13)
Adam D. Barratt
Regarding adding a new directory in the rootfs of debian normal image through debian live
Vineet Kumar
So I have Plymouth running, but how do I change the startup theme?
Stefan Baur
Bug#963146: live-config: check for systemd is broken in /lib/live/config/0050-config
Stefan Baur
- is dead?
Harshad Joshi
Debian utility live distribution (was Re: ThinkPad laptops preinstalled Linux)
Ryan Finnie
Problem encountered building my own Debian-based iso with debian-CD
Fred Yeboah
Weekly Live Builds broken by mcopy error
Daniel Lewart
Off-Topic, but perhaps the expertise is here?
andy pugh
can't found iso-testing-live
Célio Roberto
Bug#961728: live-task-recommended: Please remove Recommends: haveged
Chris Hofstaedtler
future of aufs in Debian.
peter green
Bug#961257: live-build: lb config --distribution testing, leads to failure during lb build
Witold Baryluk
The live image failed to boot.
raman taak
Derivatives/Guidelines - Debian Wiki
Pak OS
Re: Modified /etc/default/grub file for debian live installer
Harshad Joshi
Re: Replacing aufs with overlayfs
Various directories with incorrect file mode
Finnix introduction, grub-loopback-iso RFS
Ryan Finnie
Can't build with installer on bullseye
Bug#959716: live-build: 0140-remove-log-files.hook.chroot fails with fs.protected_regular = 2 and files in sticky directories
Raphaël Hertzog
Overview of my continuing live-build work
Bug#959006: [live-manual] translation/contributing documentation inadequacies
How to change menu entries in grub?
Harshad Joshi
Processed: Bug#857740 marked as pending in live-build
Debian Bug Tracking System
Why is lb config using stretch repos instead of buster?
Harshad Joshi
lb config fails to initialize buster repository
Harshad Joshi
Debian, to maint/upl of packages with fatal binaries error.
Ben Tris
Support for both 'normal' and 'live' installer
Local mirror as way to mitigate bug #718225
Re: Quotation about medical supplies
Re: live-build loopback implementation
[Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Ian Campbell
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
[Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Pak OS
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Michael .
Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.
Upcoming stable point release (10.4)
Adam D. Barratt
Cannot cache bootstrap stage of live-build - cp error reading chroot/proc/1/task/1/* - invalid argument
Processed: .
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#956525: live-tasks: 11.0.2 changelog errors
Daniel Lewart
Processed: close resolved wishlist bug
Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#857740: live-build: /etc/resolv.conf has unsafe permissions when copied from config/includes.chroot