I presume that what you really mean is the text at the top of the screen in the bootloader? Like "Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)". If that's what you mean, it's a part of the background image (splash), automatically generated from an SVG, with the text hard coded into live-build. At the current time the only solution available to you, besides hacking live-build, is to use a custom bootloader splash, which involves: 1. making a "bootloaders" directory within your config. 2. copying the folders for the bootloaders you're using from /usr/share/live/build/bootloaders into it. 3. replacing the splash. 4. doing a build of course. Note that you can throw away the SVG file in your syslinux (isolinux|syslinux|extlinuz|pxelinux) folder and replace with a PNG instead. grub only takes a PNG. Note that grub (default used for EFI) has a wierd thing in its config where it actually uses the syslinux (default used for BIOS) splash if present instead of the one in its folder, but you're probably going to replace both anyway... This was probably added because only the syslinux code has the code for converting an SVG splash. Expect this to improve in future. 1. In the next version of live-build (being worked on) the bootloader files in your config are merged with the default ones, so you only need a copy of the files you want to replace (splash). 2. Some work has been done to remove some old derivative distro hacks mess, and more is to be done, including ensuring that a proper mechanism exists for users to override strings like the one you refer to. I personally introduced change #1 (completed) and I personally am intending to take care of change #2 in the near future (it's on my todo list [1]). [1]: https://salsa.debian.org/jnqnfe/live-build/-/wikis/todo-list Regards,Lyndon Help support my work---------------------Please consider supporting my work. My links are below.(please also consider the team's work reviewing my work) - liberapay: https://liberapay.com/jnqnfe/donate - patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jnqnfe - buy-me-a-coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jnqnfe
On Mon, 2020-04-27 at 12:06 +0530, Harshad Joshi wrote: > My CD contains non debian components and hence I want to change its > name from debian to something else. > Currently live installer shows menuentry as debian. > > Current grub2 settings don't have any settings for same. > > --sent from OnePlus device--