I cannot reproduce the problem. I've tried: 1) With git master using `--debian-installer live` only. 2) The same with the sid version. 3) The sid version with the full set of options you specified. 4) The same but setting the build directory to 775 to see if this would get inherited by subdirectories.
In each case I was careful to run `sudo lb clean` and delete `cache/bootstrap` and `config` first. In all of these cases the directories you mention are 755 as they should be both in the build components, the final ISO and the installed filesystem after running the installer. So I do not understand how you've ended up with this problem. I do not know very much about the 'live' installer component, but I presume it just preserves the permissions when copying the contents of the `filesystem.squashsf` file through `cp -a`, so the problem should not lie with that. The filesystem that ends up in the squashfs in the ISO is created by debootstrap, and gets copied/moved about a bit during the build, but as demonstrated in my testing, I see no such issues with its creation or handling myself. What I would suggest is that you check the 'umask' setting in your user profile, which controls default permissions for new files and directories. For instance see [1]. You can look at the cached bootstrap filesystem (`cache/bootstrap`) to see if that has the problem, and if so remove it and try building afresh in case that was previously created badly (you did not mention if your build directory was new). You don't need to go through the entire build and install procedure to check, it should be sufficient to just run the boostrap build stage (`sudo lb bootstrap` instead of `sudo lb build`) and check the permissions of `chroot` (and/or the cached copy in `cache/bootstrap`). If the problem re-occurs after trying that, then there must surely be a problem with your system wrt. default permissions, i.e. umask. [1]: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html Regards, Lyndon On Fri, 2020-05-15 at 08:32 +0200, votdev wrote: > Hi all, > > after having installed a system with an ISO that was build with > live-build i realized that various directories have file mode 775 > instead of 755, e.g. '/' or '/etc'. I have no clue what the reason > is. > Does anyone have an idea? > > These are some of the configuration options that might affect this: > > --architecture amd64 > --mode debian > --distribution buster > --binary-images iso-hybrid > --system live > --initramfs live-boot > --debian-installer live > --binary-filesystem fat32 > --chroot-filesystem squashfs > Regards > Volker ----------------------------------- Please consider supporting my work. - liberapay: https://liberapay.com/jnqnfe/donate - patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jnqnfe - buy-me-a-coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jnqnfe