Debian Live, Weekly Live Builds did not generate iso files on Jun 1, 2020 and Jun 8, 2020.
This log file: says: --- DEBUG runcmd: ['mcopy', '-i', '/w/work/free/standard/tmp/tmpLBRHzL/boot/grub/efi.img', '-s', '::/efi/*', '/w/work/free/standard/tmp/tmpLBRHzL/EFI'] None {} ERROR command failed: ['mcopy', '-i', '/w/work/free/standard/tmp/tmpLBRHzL/boot/grub/efi.img', '-s', '::/efi/*', '/w/work/free/standard/tmp/tmpLBRHzL/EFI'] Total number of sectors (5954) not a multiple of sectors per track (32)! Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test --- I hope someone can fix this before Jun 15 Thank you! Daniel Lewart Urbana, Illinois