El 3/8/20 a las 13:42, Pak OS escribió: > It seems that the suggested config works perfectly while OS is > installed, but not before it. This is how I tested it. > 1. 1st I tested it on the installed system, and it worked. Just needed > to run update-grub after the file change. On next boot, Menu showed PakOS. > 2. However when I chroot into the ISO, using a script, now part of > PakOS, called Remaster PakOS, I can edit the grub file, but update-grub > throws an error, saying that PakOS does not exist. The standard line in > grub file is lsb_release, however running lab_release shows PakOS as OS > name in Chroot, but update-grub does not result in Grub entry name to > change to PakOS after fresh install. > > Now I am thinking of making a one time boot script to run update-grub on > 1st boot, so that OS name is changed after 1st boot, however, this will > need sudo, which can be a pain to setup in a boot script. > > Hope anyone can suggest a cleaner method.
Grub use lsb-releae to get the distro name also you can override /etc/os-release, /etc/lsb-release and /etc/dpkg/origins/your_distro most of these files came from base-files. You can override base-files package, but you must to stay tuned when debian base-file are update too. > > > On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 18:17 Guillermo Sosa <arquitect...@gmail.com > <mailto:arquitect...@gmail.com>> wrote: > > Hello Pakos !!! > / etc / default / grub > GRUB_DEFAULT = 0 > GRUB_TIMEOUT = 60 > *GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR = 'Pak OS'* > GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "quiet splash" > GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX = "" > > Luck > Gillermo Sosa > www.auxtral.com.ar <http://www.auxtral.com.ar> > > > El lun., 3 ago. 2020 a las 10:04, Pak OS (<gsm.pa...@gmail.com > <mailto:gsm.pa...@gmail.com>>) escribió: > > Hello All, > I have been trying to change name of my custom Distro from > Debian as per these guidelines: > > https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Guidelines#De-.2FRe-branding > > However despite changing output of lsb-release, /etc/issue and > related files , when ever I do a fresh install of my OS, its > always Debain. > However, if I install a new OS on another partition, my old > installed OS is correctly reconginez as PakOS(name of my custom > Distro). > Please help, any idea where Grub is getting Debian name on 1st > time installation. > Thanks in advance for your help. > > Regards, > > gSM > > PakOS on Distro watch Waiting List: > > https://distrowatch.com/dwres-mobile.php?waitingdistro=534&resource=links#new > > PakOS on SourceForge : > https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/ > > > > -- > *Arq. Guillermo Sosa* > Ameghino 42 > (B2900DQB) San Nicolás - Bs. As. > TE: 0336-445-3022 > mail: arquitect...@gmail.com <mailto:arquitect...@gmail.com> > -- Fernando Toledo Dock Sud BBS http://bbs.docksud.com.ar telnet://bbs.docksud.com.ar