Hi List, here's a quick diff and explanation what's needed to build Debian Live in a way that it works on a Pi4 as well:
Am 12.10.20 um 16:25 schrieb Stefan Baur: > # start configuring the build > lb config \ Here, add: --apt-options '--yes -oAPT::Default-Release="stable" -oAPT::Immediate-Configure=false' \ This is because we need to add the backports-, and for now, also the unstable-repository, yet we want to use packages from stable whenever possible. > --architectures arm64 \ [...] > # we need to add a firmware package to make our image bootable ... > echo "raspi3-firmware" >config/package-lists/raspi.list.chroot Replace the line above with echo "raspi3-firmware/unstable" >>config/package-lists/raspi.list.chroot (raspi3-firmware in unstable is a transitional package, pointing to raspi-firmware, which contains the firmware for all Pis up to and including the Pi4 - it would be cool if this package could hit the backports repo $SOON...) Now add these two lines to include the newer kernel and broadcom firmware packages required by the Pi4: echo "linux-image-arm64/buster-backports" >>config/package-lists/raspi.list.chroot echo "firmware-brcm80211/buster-backports" >>config/package-lists/raspi.list.chroot And finally, add these two lines to add the two repositories: echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free" > config/archives/raspi-archives.list.chroot echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free" >> config/archives/raspi-archives.list.chroot Leave the rest of the script unchanged, run it, and you will end up with an image that works for Pi3 and Pi4 (and probably all the other Pis as well). Kind Regards, Stefan Baur