[Copying both debian-live and debian-derivatives, as while this is
mostly an introduction to debian-live, it's of interest to
debian-derivatives as well.]

Greetings!  I am the creator of Finnix, a sysadmin-focused console
utility LiveCD which has been around since 2000 (and based on Debian
since 2005), and today released Finnix 120[0] after a 5 year hiatus[1].

Previous versions of Finnix were based on a bespoke build system, but
for Finnix 120, I used live-build (specifically the updated version in
sid) with new inserted Finnix-specific hooks.  For example, for divert
e.g. os-release (though I understand there is work in progress to make
distro information in base-files programatic), to give a root getty
instead of a user, to build SSH keys when ssh.service is started as
opposed to on boot, etc.  But for the most part, it's live-build with a
custom package set and Finnix branding.

Anyway, after release, a friend came to me and asked if I planned on
updating grub-finnix, an old GRUB hook which allowed for Finnix ISO
booting.  I was about to reply that that's been obsolete for years and
that they should just use grub-loopback-iso since nearly everything
supports the loopback.cfg standard...  But then realized 1) I wrote
grub-loopback-iso as the successor to grub-finnix, and 2) for some
reason I never finished getting it upstreamed.

The original ITP, Bug #693774 has been unarchived and reopened[2], I've
updated grub-loopback-iso to remove some assumptions since 2012 (EFI!
Hybrid ISOs!) and brought up to modern lintian --pedantic[3], tested
(confirmed it works fine with all debian-live-based setups), and
uploaded to mentors.debian.net[4].

As I am a DM and not a full DD, would anybody be willing to sponsor

Ryan Finnie

[0] https://blog.finnix.org/2020/05/14/finnix-120-released/
[1] Yes, I will update the Derivatives census before pabs yells at me. :)
[2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=693774
[3] https://github.com/finnix/grub-loopback-iso-pkg
[4] https://mentors.debian.net/package/grub-loopback-iso

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