Leandro Gómez dijo [Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 08:53:51AM -0600]:
> (...SNIP...)
> > Ideally we might control for point 1 by comparing some example shirts
> > from the supplier with previous years' ones, though I suspect that's
> > now impractical in the required schedule.  What some suppliers call S
> > might be M from another supplier, etc. -- and for the women's sizes,
> We won't get women's sizes this year, unfortunately.
> (...)

So, should we mail everybody who selected a female shirt size asking
them to select the _right_ male shirt size?

> > Here I just scaled up all the numbers to the totals, but it might
> > be better to add a few extra to the smallest categories -- having only
> > one spare t-shirt in a given size isn't really enough.
> >
> >
> We also have the XS size that is ~size 14 (US standard?). A bit smaller
> than S. Maybe that's the equivalent to female S?

Right, AFAICT usually female sizes are equivalent to one step smaller
male size - i.e. female size M means male size S. But if they can
confirm it, much better.

> > I think that there are currently around 20 sponsors (regular and
> > permanent), though perhaps more are due to be added to the web page?
> I think only govt is missing, if they actually decide to sponsor the event.

Right. Well, as we have offered (I don't remember if it has had any
real impact) on previous years... we must keep by our deadlines. So,
if government does not confirm in time, we can still have them as a
platinum sponsor if they so wish, but what's already printed is
already printed, and we cannot do anything about it. And we cannot
risk not getting the shirts in time waiting for the sponsor.

Now, what we _can_ do is to ask the printing workshop to start doing
the front side. It should be enough work to keep them busy for some
days. And only once they are close to finish, give them the final back
print (sponsors' logos). The back side is much easier/quicker to

> > Size  Number in Penta     Possible order
> > S        14                    19
> > M        45                    61
> > L        43                    79 including 20 for sponsor bags
> > XL       29                    40
> > XXL      19                    26
> >   total: 150+sponsors    share of 230: 205, + 20 for sponsor bags
> >
> > F-S       4                     7
> > F-M       9                    11
> > F-L       3                     4
> > F-XL      2                     3
> >     total: 18          share of 230: 25
> >
> > Did you mean 250 including sponsors, or 250 for attendees, plus the
> > ones for sponsors?
> >
> >
> 250 including sponsors.
> >
> > Staff (volunteers and organisers)
> >
> > Size  Number in Penta     Possible order
> > S         9                    11
> > M        15                    18
> > L        13                    16
> > XL        7                     9
> > XXL       5                     6
> >     total: 49          share of 75: 60
> >
> > F-S       4                     5
> > F-M       4                     5
> > F-L       2                     3
> > F-XL      2                     2
> >       total: 12        share of 75: 15
> >
> > Note that this doesn't give many spare shirts over the numbers in
> > Penta.  Normally we hope to get more additional people involved in
> > volunteering who hadn't signed up for it in advance.  In addition, in a
> > hot country it would be a good idea to let some staff have more than
> > one staff t-shirt, even if they have to pay personally for the extra
> > one(s).  So I think 75 is too few?
> >
> >
> I also think it's a good idea.
> The cost of each t-shirt is $5.11 (custom made, full color printing in
> front, one color back for the sponsor logos). We've already paid 50% of the
> cost of 400 shirts, as required by the provider ($1000 from local sponsor
> that paid directly to provider).
> > --
> > Moray
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