On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Moray Allan <mo...@sermisy.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 07:25 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote: > > > What the subject says. We're ordering a total of 400 t-shirts: > > > > > > > 250 for attendees > > > 75 staff (orga+volunteers) > > > 75 for video team > > > > You can see the numbers (and sizes) of the t-shirts requested at the > > end of this link: > > > > > http://debconf-data.alioth.debian.org/stats/only-reconfirmed/registration-data.txt > > That doesn't yet define how many of each size you plan to order -- you > need to decide how to allocate the spare attendee ones, and how to > allocate the "unknown volunteer" and "unknown video team" ones. > > Last year the initial orders were: > > Size Ordered Number in Penta > S 15 12 > M 100 82 > L 130 115 > XL 100 85 > XXL 50 39 > > F-S 10 6 > F-M 20 14 > F-L 12 7 > F-XL 3 2 > > Staff (volunteers and organisers): > > Size Ordered Number in Penta > S 3 1 > M 10 7 > L 15 10 > XL 15 11 > XXL 7 7 > > F-S 3 2 > F-M 3 2 > F-L 3 2 > F-XL 2 1 > F-XXL 2 ? > > Video team: > > Size Ordered Number in Wiki > S 5 1 > M 15 2 > L 25 10 > XL 15 6 > XXL 5 1 > > F-S 2 1 > F-M 2 > F-L 2 > F-XL 1 > F-XXL 2 2 > > (Numbers from http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts ) > > Last year we ran out of some sizes quite early, and had to order more, > because: > > (1) The physical sizes were quite different from previous years' sizes > for the same labels, so some people could not use the size which they > had requested in Penta. > > We have some shirts from our provider (Anan). We could measure them and post the exact sizes. I'm going to work in a couple of hours, so maybe someone else from localteam wants to help? > (2) The print shop (like every year, but more) did not provide exactly > the number we had requested for each size. > > We've been working with this provide for many years and never had this problem, so we'll get exactly what we ordered. > Ideally we might control for point 1 by comparing some example shirts > from the supplier with previous years' ones, though I suspect that's > now impractical in the required schedule. What some suppliers call S > might be M from another supplier, etc. -- and for the women's sizes, > We won't get women's sizes this year, unfortunately. > the variation between suppliers in size and shape can be much greater. > To follow people's choices, it's obviously the physical measurements/ > shape that are important, not the letters on the labels. > > Do we have any idea how this year's supplier's sizes (men's and > women's) will compare to previous ones? > > > To start a concrete discussion, here are the current numbers from > > http://debconf-data.alioth.debian.org/stats/only-reconfirmed/registration-data.txt > with possible numbers to order based on your totals. > > I think that there are currently around 20 sponsors (regular and > permanent), though perhaps more are due to be added to the web page? > > I think only govt is missing, if they actually decide to sponsor the event. > > Size Number in Penta Possible order > S 14 19 > M 45 61 > L 43 79 including 20 for sponsor bags > XL 29 40 > XXL 19 26 > total: 150+sponsors share of 230: 205, + 20 for sponsor bags > > F-S 4 7 > F-M 9 11 > F-L 3 4 > F-XL 2 3 > total: 18 share of 230: 25 > > Did you mean 250 including sponsors, or 250 for attendees, plus the > ones for sponsors? > > 250 including sponsors. > Here I just scaled up all the numbers to the totals, but it might > be better to add a few extra to the smallest categories -- having only > one spare t-shirt in a given size isn't really enough. > > We also have the XS size that is ~size 14 (US standard?). A bit smaller than S. Maybe that's the equivalent to female S? > > Staff (volunteers and organisers) > > Size Number in Penta Possible order > S 9 11 > M 15 18 > L 13 16 > XL 7 9 > XXL 5 6 > total: 49 share of 75: 60 > > F-S 4 5 > F-M 4 5 > F-L 2 3 > F-XL 2 2 > total: 12 share of 75: 15 > > Note that this doesn't give many spare shirts over the numbers in > Penta. Normally we hope to get more additional people involved in > volunteering who hadn't signed up for it in advance. In addition, in a > hot country it would be a good idea to let some staff have more than > one staff t-shirt, even if they have to pay personally for the extra > one(s). So I think 75 is too few? > > I also think it's a good idea. The cost of each t-shirt is $5.11 (custom made, full color printing in front, one color back for the sponsor logos). We've already paid 50% of the cost of 400 shirts, as required by the provider ($1000 from local sponsor that paid directly to provider). > -- > Moray > _______________________________________________ > Debconf-team mailing list > Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org > http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team >
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