Leandro Gómez dijo [Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 07:54:59AM -0600]:
> > I realise that you have topics beyond having too few t-shirts to worry
> > about, but having to make decisions based on a lack of cash in Nicaragua
> > is really silly when we have plenty of cash to spend (and when printing
> > more shirts would generate money for us during DebConf).
> I'm really frustrated by this. The lack of money (and the slow and
> bureaucratic process to get some) is putting additional and unnecesary
> pressure on the whole team.

Right. I'm also most unthrilled at this :-/ Of course, it is for a
reason - So we should keep it in mind, so it does not bite us for the
future, as the rules for SPI and FFIS will not likely change.
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