On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 07:25 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote:

> What the subject says. We're ordering a total of 400 t-shirts:
> > 250 for attendees
> > 75 staff (orga+volunteers)
> > 75 for video team
> You can see the numbers (and sizes) of the t-shirts requested at the
> end of this link:
> http://debconf-data.alioth.debian.org/stats/only-reconfirmed/registration-data.txt

That doesn't yet define how many of each size you plan to order -- you
need to decide how to allocate the spare attendee ones, and how to
allocate the "unknown volunteer" and "unknown video team" ones.

Last year the initial orders were:

Size  Ordered  Number in Penta
S       15         12
M      100         82
L      130        115
XL     100         85
XXL     50         39

F-S     10          6
F-M     20         14
F-L     12          7
F-XL     3          2

Staff (volunteers and organisers):

Size  Ordered  Number in Penta
S        3          1
M       10          7
L       15         10
XL      15         11
XXL      7          7 

F-S      3          2 
F-M      3          2 
F-L      3          2  
F-XL     2          1 
F-XXL    2          ? 

Video team:

Size  Ordered  Number in Wiki
S        5          1 
M       15          2 
L       25         10  
XL      15          6   
XXL      5          1 

F-S      2          1  
F-M      2            
F-L      2          
F-XL     1           
F-XXL    2          2

(Numbers from http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts )

Last year we ran out of some sizes quite early, and had to order more,

(1) The physical sizes were quite different from previous years' sizes
for the same labels, so some people could not use the size which they
had requested in Penta.

(2) The print shop (like every year, but more) did not provide exactly
the number we had requested for each size.

Ideally we might control for point 1 by comparing some example shirts 
from the supplier with previous years' ones, though I suspect that's
now impractical in the required schedule.  What some suppliers call S
might be M from another supplier, etc. -- and for the women's sizes,
the variation between suppliers in size and shape can be much greater.
To follow people's choices, it's obviously the physical measurements/
shape that are important, not the letters on the labels.

Do we have any idea how this year's supplier's sizes (men's and
women's) will compare to previous ones?

To start a concrete discussion, here are the current numbers from
with possible numbers to order based on your totals.

I think that there are currently around 20 sponsors (regular and
permanent), though perhaps more are due to be added to the web page?

Size  Number in Penta     Possible order
S        14                    19
M        45                    61
L        43                    79 including 20 for sponsor bags
XL       29                    40
XXL      19                    26
   total: 150+sponsors    share of 230: 205, + 20 for sponsor bags

F-S       4                     7
F-M       9                    11
F-L       3                     4
F-XL      2                     3
     total: 18          share of 230: 25

Did you mean 250 including sponsors, or 250 for attendees, plus the
ones for sponsors?

Here I just scaled up all the numbers to the totals, but it might
be better to add a few extra to the smallest categories -- having only
one spare t-shirt in a given size isn't really enough.

Staff (volunteers and organisers)

Size  Number in Penta     Possible order
S         9                    11
M        15                    18
L        13                    16
XL        7                     9
XXL       5                     6
     total: 49          share of 75: 60

F-S       4                     5
F-M       4                     5
F-L       2                     3
F-XL      2                     2
       total: 12        share of 75: 15

Note that this doesn't give many spare shirts over the numbers in
Penta.  Normally we hope to get more additional people involved in
volunteering who hadn't signed up for it in advance.  In addition, in a
hot country it would be a good idea to let some staff have more than
one staff t-shirt, even if they have to pay personally for the extra
one(s).  So I think 75 is too few?

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