On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:04, Nick Wedd <n...@maproom.co.uk> wrote:
> A program to play Hahn Go has no
> reason to calculate probabilities, it should just make the biggest move it
> can.

Ah, okay, now I understand your point of view. Thanks for explaining.

Making the largest move available is just one possible strategy to
attain the goal of ending the game with the most points scored. A more
general strategy is to weigh the moves' size with the risks they can

Evaluating the risks is probably just as difficult (or maybe more
difficult) than evaluating a move's value (which is difficult enough),
but IMHO just being greedy is not helping one's game. Might it be for
this reason that MCTS doesn't show good results when trying to
maximize score?

best regards,
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