2009/11/24 terry mcintyre <terrymcint...@yahoo.com>:
>>Please try to explain why the "hahn calculation" isn't working in a
>>normal game so as to ensure a win. I'm talking about strong human
>>In my view, we have
>>    hahn:    object of the game = max board score
>>    normal:  object of the game = board score > komi
>>Both seem just as easy and interesting.
> If you are winning in the Hahn sense, your score also exceeds komi; but Hahn
> scoring - either by accumulating points in a tournament ranking, or
> converting points to dollars in bang neki fashion, gives you incentive to
> achieve larger scores.

Thank you,Terry, for the explanation. I understand (and I think I
already said it too) that normal go is easier. What Nick said before

"This calculation is correct for Hahn scoring, but not for normal
scoring, or indeed any other way of scoring."

The way I read it, just because one way is easier doesn't mean it is
incorrect in other cases. My question was about why he thinks the
calculation is incorrect for other ways of scoring.

best regards,
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