Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
> I think this game [go with Hahn scoring; IA] is clearly more 
> difficult than a binary win/loss game.

That is one of the possible question, and I also vote for "yes",
as normal go is simply a Hahn-Go veriant with "coarsened" evaluation.
Even more interesting might be this question: Assume, you have humans
and bots, all of same strength in traditional go. Which of the groups
will be better in Hahn-Go ?

Dave Hillis proposed:
> It's interesting to consider the problem of writing an agent 
> to make side bets. There could be a pool of spectator bot, 
> each calculating an estimate of the final score, after every 
> move, and placing wagers.

I like this idea, even in the generalized version,
where humans and bots are allowed to bet on the outcome(s).


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