On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 14:18, Nick Wedd <n...@maproom.co.uk> wrote:
>>> If playing one move lead 10% of time to +10, and 90% to -20,
>>> the resulting value is -17
>>> (of course with the bot evaluation/playout)
>> Reducing the value to -17 is losing a lot of information. Another move
>> might have 20% chances of +10 and 80% chances of -24 giving -17, are
>> they really just as good?
> If you are using Hahn scoring, yes, they are just as good.  With any other
> form of scoring, the lost information matters.

Ok, then we are probably having completely different mental models of
what we are talking about :-)

What I am considering is a way to analyze a list of moves, each having
in turn a value that is a list of expected outcomes and their
respective estimated probabilities, and to sort the moves by the
expected outcome in the context of a given risk strategy. In practice,
this means that the strategy is an algorithm that takes an
outcome/probability list and converts it to a number, so that it can
be compared to the other values.

The algorithm in the example above is a linear weighted sum. Normal MC
programs look only at the number of positive and negative outcomes.
These are only two possibilities. If using a more generic approach,
the strategy can be parametrized and optimized (both offline and
online), hopefully resulting in a better gameplay.

best regards,
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