Stone-Age - spooky concept :-)
I suppose it has some relationship to generally lighter playouts deeper in
the tree.
Have you experimented some more with this?
Perhaps the cutoff point should be somewhere in the future though, moving
towards the present as the game progesses.
Otherwise you completely disable patterns for the first move, which doesn't
seem right.
I feel ungrateful for saying this, but a search in the archive would be
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Boon" <>
To: "computer-go" <>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: [computer-go] string criticality?
Maybe from a different angle, but maybe you remember me writing about
'stone-age'. Basically what it did was assuming strings created during
the playout are less critical than existing strings. I used this to
limit my tactical search by a great deal by not doing any search on
'new' strings. This didn't affect strength in any way I could measure,
but it reduced the overhead of tactics ( I don't remember exactly, but
I think it cut in half).
I think the single most useful information about strings or groups
would be whether it has two eyes. Unfortunately I haven't been able to
think of a cost-effective way to compute that yet :)
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