Few months ago I tested it without success.
String criticality seems a nice idea, but how should it be implemented?
Just giving high priority to the liberties does not work, because that
cannot be distinguished from the simple dame-filling.
Can you suggest a concrete formula?


a shot in the dark:

1. How important is the string for winning the game?
Using Rémi Couloms' formula
c(s) = v(s)/N - (w(s)/N * W/N + b(s)/N * B/N)

N: number of playouts
W/B: playouts won by white/black
w(s)/b(s): playouts where s is owned by white/black
v(s): playouts where s is owned by playout winner

2. How important are points for winning the string?

In a semiai situation there are no critical points(ignoring eye making/destroying) Each side has its own valuable points, playing the opponents move is usually catastrophic.
This should actually make it easier to find these points.
They should be as good for one side as they are bad for the other.
(Or worse, consider making your own large eye smaller)

something like this(a little Bayes):

P(C|X) = P(X|C) * P(C) / P(X)

P(C|X): chance that the string will be captured if x is played by any side
P(C): string_captured_count / N
P(X): x_not_empty_count / N
P(X|C): x_not_empty_when_string_captured / string_captured_count

value 0: perfect defense
value 1: perfect offense

The moves of one side can be dependant on each other because they might have to be played in a certain order.
This interdependence could be quite expensive/difficult to find.
But ignoring it will indeed reduce string criticality to normal dame filling.
So my suggestion is this: completely order the moves for both sides.
This way interdependencies don't have to be explicitly analysed.
A move that needs to be played earlier should get a higher rating naturally.
The trick would be to allways impose this order, even if it doesn't actually exist. If the criticality of a string is high, it would try to suppress these moves in any other order. My hope is that this would alleviate an "unfair" permutation advantage by the losing side.

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