Rémi Coulom offers a formula for the "criticality" of point x.
("Criticality: a Monte-Carlo Heuristic for Go Programs")
Criticality being a measure of how important holding x is for winning.

c(x) = v(x)/N - (w(x)/N * W/N + b(x)/N * B/N)

N: number of playouts
W/B: playouts won by white/black
w(x)/b(x): playouts where x is owned by white/black
v(x): playouts where x is owned by playout winner

I'm prepared to believe that this formula is a meaningful measure of covariance. The way I understand it, moves with a high criticality value are given a better chance of being tried. Seems logical to me. I just wonder if something similiar couldn't also be used to identify the importance of strings allready played.
There would be 2 levels of criticality:
1. How important is the string for winning the game?
2. How important are points in the vicinity for attacking/defending this string?
(possibly with ordering information)

I'm not sure if the above formula should be used or if it should be something asymmetric.
Unlike point criticality there is a preestablished owner for a string.
There will be a tendency that losing a string will be more harmful for the defender than not capturing will be for the attacker.

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