I used 7.5 for that study.    You are probably looking at the study
where I use 7x7 in which case the program was too strong to see a good
curve - 8.5 komi is won almost always by black, 9.5 by white if I
remember correctly with 7x7.

Let me see if I can actually find the old graph I created - the data is
quite convincing.

- Don

Michael Williams wrote:
> Don Dailey wrote:
>> Mark,
>> I wasn't stating a precise value for a doubling when I said 100
>> ELO.    But it appears that it is actually worth a bit more than 100
>> ELO for a
>> doubling.        I did a massive study of this at one point a year or
>> more ago with thousands of games with UCT based Lazarus program and the
>> strength improvement per doubling was very  clear and impressive.    
> Don, what komi did you use when you did that study?  Looking in the
> archives, all I can find is you saying that komi=9 is correct.  So
> does that mean 8.5 or 9.5?  Or did you allow draws?
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