We can use math to shed some light on the topic:

* Assume that doubling the speed of a machine
  increases the rank of a program by 100 ELO,
  as Don has previously concluded.

* Then we have the following table of approximate
  costs, which comes from the equation y = 100 * 2^x
  cost -> lost ELO
   1%  ->  1.5 ELO
   2%  ->  3.0 ELO
   3%  ->  4.5 ELO
   4%  ->  6.0 ELO
   5%  ->  7.5 ELO
   6%  ->  9.0 ELO
  10%  -> 15.0 ELO

* In my program (which implements undo), the cost of
  for suicide detection is around 1%, which means it
  would lose 1.5 ELO points.

* If I wanted to know whether it was worth it, I would
  want to measure the ELO benefit by making better
  decisions concerning suicide. It is a small but
  real amount, probably at least 1 ELO (using my
  finger in the breeze).

* Thus the issue of whether you detect suicide may
  be a complete wash.

* On the other hand detecting superko costs more like
  6% or so, which costs 9 or more ELO. So a benefit
  of 1 ELO for doing superko right may not be worth
  the cost.


* The effect of suicide detection is *very* small in
  the scheme of things, and is probably not worth
  arguing over. Superko is also small, but might be
  worth a tiny amount of effort.

* Some kind of study to measuring the ELO cost of bad
  suicide and ko decisions would be useful.

* I plan to detect both suicide and superko on principle,
  confident that it doesn't make much difference.

Michael Wing

Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > There are two reasons to consider suicide and its detection..
> >
> > 1) Some rule sets allow suicide. In such a rule set a suicide can
> > be the best move because it can be a huge ko threat.
> >
> > 2) As David Fotland has pointed out many times, when competing
> > under rules that allow suicide, some programs will do one just to
> > see if your program refuses to play when you detect its suicide.
> But there are very few arguments for putting suicide in the play-outs. 
> You can still design your program to accept and even play suicide
> without putting these moves in the play-outs. 
> The play-outs are imperfect by nature - they try to take a statistical
> sample of many possible ways the game might proceed.    The path to
> improve the quality of this statistical sample is to not play moves that
> represent very UNLIKELY continuations.    Adding these moves randomly to
> the play-outs doesn't improve it's ability to statically measure the
> likely outcome.  
> For instance since is "legal" to resign,  we could randomly include this
> possibility in the play-outs, but it would not increase the resolving
> power of the play-outs. 
> Moving into 1 point eyes is also legal, but virtually all Monte Carlo
> programs forbid this as it's well known to be incredibly stupid in the
> vast majority of cases.    But in some rare cases it is actually good -
> but we still would not want to add it to our play-outs.   
> Because of the 1 point eye rule, suicide in the play-outs probably isn't
> THAT bad.    You are probably only suiciding a group that is already
> dead - but you are weakening the play-outs.   It may be  worth it if you
> get enough speed in return.  
> In my program I am always looking for an excuse to veto moves that are
> obviously bad.   If I had such an obvious class of position like
> suicide, I would jump on the opportunity to remove them from the play-outs!
> - Don
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> > On 16, Jan 2008, at 5:52 AM, Don Dailey wrote:
> >
> >> I think suicide is insane myself.   But I think the reason programs
> >> might use it is only for a speedup - it's faster with some
> >> implementations to allow suicide even though it makes the games longer.
> >>
> >> Of course you are right about point B.    If suicide is illegal in the
> >> actual game,  there can be no point in allowing it in the play-outs.
> >> It's almost certainly wrong to allow it in the play-outs even if you are
> >> playing by suicide rules - a lot of work has gone into finding good
> >> moves in the play-outs and this would be one of the prime candidates for
> >> removal!
> >>
> >> - Don
> >>
> >>
> >> Jacques BasaldĂșa wrote:
> >>> Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.
> >>>
> >>> I hadn't even considered suicide.(It would be a major change for me,
> >>> as neither my Gui nor my board system allow such moves.)
> >>>
> >>> The question is Why do you do it?
> >>>
> >>> a. Just in case you wanted the entire program to support suicide go
> >>>
> >>> or
> >>>
> >>> b. Because that has some advantage as a random playout.
> >>>
> >>> If it was b, can anyone explain why suicide is a better evaluation for
> >>> a normal (non suicide) game.
> >>>
> >>> Jacques.
> >>>
> >>>
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