
Don did say that doubling the speed of a machine is
100 ELO. See the thread at

I believe that beating someone 2:1 is 100 ELO.
So, if ignoring suicide is at most 1 ELO, then it doesn't matter.

Michael Wing

P.S. I should have used the equation y = 100 * log2(x)

> I have a few question-marks here.
> First, did Don really say that a doubling of the speed gains 100 ELO?  
> Or did he say adding a ply would add 100 ELO? There's a big difference.
> Secondly, you say the ELO benefit for not playing suicide is 1.  
> Admittedly you say you used your wet finger in the breeze. Thinking  
> more about it I'd say Don is right, not playing suicide should be a  
> considerable gain. I'd say that (putting my wet finger up) a random  
> player that doesn't play suicide beats a random player that does 2:1.  
> What's that in ELO? 100 points? Should be easy to verify.

> > Conclusions
> > * The effect of suicide detection is *very* small in
> >   the scheme of things, and is probably not worth
> >   arguing over. Superko is also small, but might be
> >   worth a tiny amount of effort.
> >
> > * Some kind of study to measuring the ELO cost of bad
> >   suicide and ko decisions would be useful.
> >
> > * I plan to detect both suicide and superko on principle,
> >   confident that it doesn't make much difference.

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