I have a boot from an '84 35 Mk III that might fit your mast, but you would
have to lift the mast in order to slip it on. It's held on with a large
cable clamp, and it doesn't let the water in.

Alan Bergen
25 Mk III Thirsty
Rose City YC
Portland, OR

On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 9:52 AM cenelson--- via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> My mast boost appears to have given it up and needs replaced.
> My question to the list is which is the best solution-
> 1. A fixed shape that is wound around the joint and must be sealed/retaped
> along the overlap and is held in place by large radiator clamps on the mast
> and deck fitting.
> 2. A mast boot tape that is wound around the mast in a spiral and is self
> amalgamating (sticks to itself).
> The mast is up and will stay that way during this replacement. Further,
> the Spartite solution is not an option for now.
> I suppose both solutions will work and I lean toward the boot tape since
> the fixed boot needs to be sealed with tape after it is installed on the
> mast anyway. The current boot has lasted for many years but without a
> careful look, I'm not sure what kind it is but my best guess (without the
> boat nearby) is #1 above.
> Thanks in advance to your opinions.
> Charlie Nelson
> 1995 C&C 36XL/kcb
> Water Phantom
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