For the mast to be removed, the boat went into the water. That seems like an expensive proposition for a boat that size.
I'm going to guess that the boat was recently launched and the rig taken down for a survey under a purchase agreement. If the deal fell through the broker/owner would not bother spending the money to step the mast and rig the boat. If I'm correct, you might find out who owns that survey and purchase it before going any further. There is also the possibility that the survey was halted (some surveyors will let you pay X amount and just pack it in if there are major defects found early in the process) and no formal survey written. If so, you might be able to buy that information from the surveyor himself. Anyway, if it were me and I was local, I would start sniffing around and find out why a boat that big was suddenly launched, de-rigged, and then hauled again. Good luck, Rob
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