Good evening all. We looked at this boat during our search back in 2011. The 
dealer purchased this boat awhile back and they have had it on the hard 
uncovered for awhile. We found a surveyor in Michigan we used on several C&C 
boats in the Great Lakes before we found Obsession and he was nice enough to 
take an informal look at it and we were told the balsa panels in the hull were 
dry. At that time the cabin sole was fine. Sorry to hear it has deteriorated.

I would go for a survey, the boat has been sitting for quite awhile at some 
point the dealership will need to budge.

S/V Obsession
C&C 37/40+

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 25, 2014, at 11:21 PM, Neil Gallagher via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> David,
> Let me address one issue - the teak and holly cabin sole on my boat had the 
> identical issue as this boat you're considering, it had sat on the ground for 
> some time with water above the sole (fortunately below the A4 front 
> crankshaft "seal"...).  This spring I finally addressed it by using a paint 
> stripper to remove what was left of the varnish, hit with an orbital sander 
> w/60 grit and took off all the faded wood - total thickness is 3/8" so not 
> big deal - and refinished it.  It came out beautifully, if I may so myself.  
> That item shouldn't be a show stopper, just a little elbow grease.
> Neil Gallagher
> Weatherly, 35-1
> Glen Cove, NY
>> On 9/25/2014 7:37 PM, David Roberts via CnC-List wrote:
>> I have posted about this boat a few times to this list a got great feedback, 
>> so here I go again. I am looking at a 1989 C&C 37/40 +; 7.25’ draft; two 
>> spreader, so we are talking about the cruiser not XL or R, I am thinking 
>> still fast. Any how the boat needs new upholstery, all new running rigging, 
>> the traveler is stiff even though there is no load on it (mast is down.) I 
>> have not had a chance to look at the sails yet but the description list  
>> them as:
>> Main (Sobstad, Dacron,) Good Condition 
>> #3 Jib(North, Dacron)Like New 
>> #2 Jib(Sobstad, Dacron) Good Condition 
>> #2 Jib (North, Dacron) Excellent Condition 
>> Cruising spinnaker with sock (North, Nylon) Good Condition 
>> So I am thinking I may have to replace the Main soon, there is no mention of 
>> a #1, Is that normal not to have a #1 on this boat?
>> The boat has not been in the water for 7 years. The deck and hull seem to 
>> show normal wear as to what I would expect for a 26 yr old boat. The engine 
>> looks like it may have been overheated at some point. The teak and holly 
>> flooring in the salon area has been refinished and my understanding is that 
>> the boat was not covered the first year it was on the hard at the dealer and 
>> it filled the bilge and beyond with water and ruined the floors. So maybe I 
>> should be concerned with the hull If it froze. There are a large number of 
>> little repairs that need attention. Lastly the stern looks like it has been 
>> bumped a number of times so that rear edge needs repair.
>> I have been watching this boat for 2 years now, just as I started a new 
>> business so buying a boat was out of the question four years ago. I have 
>> been sure that someone would come along and buy it. Once they move the boat 
>> inside to buff it out and give a good cleaning; made a repair or two, when I 
>> saw it was gone my heart dropped. I later found out that they did not sell 
>> it. Now that the business is coming along and we can make the payment I am 
>> wondering why it has not sold. Maybe it is the 7.25’ draft is an issue on 
>> Lake Michigan we are up 18’ this year but the past 10 years we have been 
>> trending down. There are a lot of smaller harbors you can’t get in with that 
>> draft. That is not a problem for hardcore racers. They don’t go to those 
>> harbors, but I don’t think they would be interested in the Std rig. We race 
>> beer can, a few port to ports, and cruise.
>> They are asking $79K but I don’t think that is anywhere close to a good 
>> number. I have been in my current           boat for 15 years so it has been 
>> some time sense I have been in the buyers chair. Do I get the survey first, 
>> or make an offer and if it is accepted then get the survey. But how do I 
>> determine a value without the survey?
>> I am interested in what others have paid recently for the same model and 
>> what condition it was in. I am try to come to a fair offer.
>> David Roberts
>> (224) 280-6217
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