The PHRF Regs we sail under on the Hudson River are here

They are more generous in terms of sprit length for W/L courses. Up to 24%
of J without penalty, but less generous with the credits. Where you get
zinged is on a distance Race.

If you fly an Asym off a pole, there is no penalty as long as it is not a
penalty chute (SMW <=180%). for your boat. If you delcare both Sprit and
Symmetrical you get zinged (reviewed by committee case by case) and if you
fly a chute designed for your sprit off a pole, it is rated as a penalty
chute. If you don't declare it and try it you could get DSQ for equipment



"I want 10,000 tough guys, and I want 10,000 soft guys to make the tough
guys look tougher! And here's how I want them arranged: tough, soft, tough,
tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft,
tough, soft!"

*Russ Cargill*

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Ron Casciato <>wrote:

> Eric:
> This is an active topic this time of year......... but I'd make sure you
> are
> reading your regs, correctly.
> Here in New England, the Handicapping section of the website
> specifically discusses using an ASYM vs SYM spinnakers.
> Basically, if you race in a fleet with spinnakers, using an ASYM, there is
> no penalty to your racing rating.  If you then disclose that you "have no
> pole" you get a 9 sec. allowance added to your racing rating.
> If, however, you decide to use a "sprit" you can go 10% of the J dimension
> without a penalty, for every 10% additional, you get a 3 second penalty.
> I've had this reviewed for my 38MKIIC with a 16.5' "J".  the longest I can
> go beyond the tack fitting is 19.2" ....anything longer incurs a penalty.
> Someone mentioned the furling ASYM systems..........which are really nifty.
> The issue for boats without a sprit is that that clearance at the top often
> binds and it gets hairy when rolling up the ASYM.  You'd have to add a
> "crane" out in front of the current mast plate to accommodate both furlers
> at the top.  Additionally, the stresses on the sprit pole is significant
> since the "torsion rope luff" needs to be tensioned very someone
> also said, these systems are evolving and may need some time to mature.
> Agreed, however, on the Selden system.....excellent materials and design..
> Good luck with your project, just check the details of the rating system in
> your area.
> Best,
> Ron C.
> Impromptu
> C&C 38MKIIC  '77
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Will
> Harris
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 11:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List bowsprit/asym
> For the boats you guys are talking about, C&C 34, C&C 40s etc., in
> fairness you should get a hefty PHRF CREDIT, for switching to asyms.
> You guys can cream the sprit boats dead down in moderate breeze.  Just
> pull the pole back and aim for the mark.
> I sailed an RCYC Open a few years back on a really well-sailed Bene
> 10.4, ( awful boat... but I digress).
> "Red Jacket" was in our class and we owed her a bunch of time.  We'd
> dust her upwind, then go reaching around on our gybe angles.  She'd
> round behind, square back and just grind our bendy, french asses into dust.
> If it was a 5 leg course, we had a chance. Downwind finish??...
> fageddaboudit.
> Not all PHRF committees have figured this out.  If you do switch, your
> rating should get significantly BETTER.  Sadly, it probably won't.
> --
> Will Harris
> Waterline Systems
> 716-531-6088
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