Hi Pete,

Our fleet is turning sprit. We have:


Evelyn 32 with retro sprit


C&C 34/36
Tripp 37
Tripp 37c
Olson 30

No plans at this point to fly a code Zero at this point.




"I want 10,000 tough guys, and I want 10,000 soft guys to make the tough
guys look tougher! And here's how I want them arranged: tough, soft, tough,
tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft,
tough, soft!"

*Russ Cargill*

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Pete Shelquist

> Eric –
> I’m going through the same exercise right now.  We’ve been racing 2 yrs
> with an asym not on a sprit but tacked to the forepeak.  We mostly do
> mid-distance/point to point races and less frequently do buoys.  We’ve had
> good luck in the light air around here, but struggle against the sym boats
> when the mark is DDW and its blowing.   PHRF in our area is a little more
> generous at 30% when adding a sprit.  As you mentioned, we found we can run
> the boat with as few at 3 or 4.  Ironically, the boat is so easy and fast
> in this mode we seem to always have 6-8.  Which is not a bad thing- we just
> make more sandwiches.
> From what I’ve found, Forte seems to have the best turn-key solution
> http://fortecarbon.com/marine/bow-poles-sprits/ and they’re pretty
> helpful on the phone .  But it’s also pricey.   I’m working with a local
> manufacturer to figure out an alternative.   I’m also using the J105 and
> J109 as models and reverse engineering from there.    Getting a decent kite
> is the real trick.  Different sail makers have conflicting thoughts on
> design when retroing boats like ours with asyms.  Also, seriously try to
> figure out a bobstay, especially if you ever have intentions of putting up
> a code 0.
> Hope that helps.
> Pete
> C&C 37 – Lk Superior
> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of *Eric
> Baumes
> *Sent:* Saturday, December 07, 2013 8:08 AM
> *To:* cc-3...@googlegroups.com; cnc-list
> *Subject:* Stus-List Bowsprit/Asym
> Hi all,
> My winter project this year is to install a deck mounted bowsprit and fly
> an asymmetric spinnaker while racing.
> I am going for the max length with out a PHRF penalty, which in our YRA is
> 24% of J. This will give me a sprit that is 42.6 inches.
> This decision is driven by a couple things. First, the ability to get 7 or
> more experienced crew to manage the Symmetrical spinnaker. And to reduce
> the overall complexity in sailing the boat.
> I am wondering if any one else has made this switch and what their
> experience has been.
> I will certainly share my experience.
> Best,
> Eric
> C&C 34/36
> ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> "I want 10,000 tough guys, and I want 10,000 soft guys to make the tough
> guys look tougher! And here's how I want them arranged: tough, soft, tough,
> tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft,
> tough, soft!"
> *Russ Cargill*
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
> http://www.cncphotoalbum.com
> CnC-List@cnc-list.com
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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