
The reason I was contacting Eric re this is that not all areas have this
fully defined at this time.  Be very careful in consulting and working
with your PHRF area authority so that you get the maximum benefit for
the least penalty and combine that with your ease of use and speed.
In PHRFNS we are currently for conventional symmetric spinnakers -
sec/mile for each increment of up to 10% of J for either pole or
spinnaker size.  This is pretty clearly defined.

For a standard symmetric boat that has an ASYM in place of a symmetric
spin tacked centerline at bow is a +9 sec/mile adjustment masthead and
+6 fractional.  

Where it is currently fuzzy is for conventional boats converting to a
sprit and how much of an adjustment based on sprit length and asym size.

Is an interesting topic and one we have been working with.  We also have
in fact has owners approaching us asking these questions as they are
planning to make this conversion.  Interestingly this is coming from
race boats not cruisers.


-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Will
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List bowsprit/asym

For the boats you guys are talking about, C&C 34, C&C 40s etc., in 
fairness you should get a hefty PHRF CREDIT, for switching to asyms.  
You guys can cream the sprit boats dead down in moderate breeze.  Just 
pull the pole back and aim for the mark.

I sailed an RCYC Open a few years back on a really well-sailed Bene 
10.4, ( awful boat... but I digress).
"Red Jacket" was in our class and we owed her a bunch of time.  We'd 
dust her upwind, then go reaching around on our gybe angles.  She'd 
round behind, square back and just grind our bendy, french asses into

If it was a 5 leg course, we had a chance. Downwind finish??... 

Not all PHRF committees have figured this out.  If you do switch, your 
rating should get significantly BETTER.  Sadly, it probably won't.

Will Harris
Waterline Systems


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