I think it might be because your shaft zincs are further away from the prop
thaat they are protecting than the bullet zinc on the aft hub of the prop.
The bullet to fit my H5 Aotuoprop is quite expensive and I have to order it
from AB Marine in RI so I tried putting a doughnut zinc next to the prop
hub just aft of the strut and forward of the prop hub by about 1/4 inch, it
barely fit in there because I aslo have a Spurs rope cutter on the shaft.
since doing that I have not had to replace the bullet in the last 4-5 years
and I will use it next year as well but the doughnut zinc installed just
forward of the prop in June is used up when I haul in Oct and so is the
teardrop zinc that I install forward of the strut.  Before doing that I
would use an expensive bullet zinc in 1 season.

Dwight Veinot
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:49 AM, David Knecht <davidakne...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Chuck- I had exactly the same experience after a May launch.  The shaft
> zincs looked fine at that time, so I left them and put a new bullet on the
> prop.  They still look pretty good and the bullet was nearly gone when I
> hauled.  It seems like we are getting differential erosion.  What are you
> thinking the Tefgel would do?  Dave
> On Dec 1, 2013, at 9:50 PM, Chuck S <cscheaf...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Wow.
> Installed the bullet shaped zinc last Spring but launched late, early
> July.  Haulout in mid November revealed it was fully intact while the
> MaxProp cone was half gone.  I intend to try the Tefgel next season.
> Chuck
> Resolute
> 1990 C&C 34R
> Atlantic City, NJ
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"TOM VINCENT" <tvince...@msn.com>
> *To: *"C&C Forum" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
> *Sent: *Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:09:45 AM
> *Subject: *Stus-List installing shaft zincs
> I have a martec folding prop and install their bullet shaped zinc each
> spring, they recommend the zinc be installed next to the strut within 1/4"
> to 3/8".
> The zinc lasts me the entire year, I sail on the Upper Chesapeake Bay
> which is fresh water.
> Tom
> Frolic II 36' cb
> Chesapeake City, MD
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> David Knecht, Ph.D.
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