Ron, FWIW just got my 35-3 CB out of the yard It was $4200- to sand (but not blast); Grind and fare assorted blisters; Tighten Keel bolts and touch up small smile; 3 coats Trinidad SR; and some shaft work- new coupling, true it, new dripless system, and cutlass bearing. I have centerboard issues but investigation revealed no easy fix so I had the yard wedge the board up for the time being. If yours is going up and down I can't imagine what is preventing it from going all the way down. While I had it out, I would replace the cable with all line (find a nice high tech line) to avoid corrosion issues and inspect. Here the practice is to move the boat back to the travel lift after painting the afternoon before launch. The slings hold the boat in a different spot than the jackstands so those areas can be painted. It can also be held high enough to let the board down to paint and inspect. Not enough time to do major work but enough for maintenance. Then splash in the AM.
Kim Brown Trust Me!!! 35-3 _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album