It's been a long day, and maybe, the effects an adult beverage has
provided me with an induced state of brilliance, so after reading your
description of your on board 'plumbing system', to avoid unweIcomed
effluent backup in the head, I completely understand.....quite
brilliant really!
Bob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
On 2012/09/13 5:13 PM, Gary Russell wrote:
There is another possibility to consider. In the case of my boat
there were times when the level of the effluent in the tank was above
the bowl in the tank. In my case the tank is transverse in the boat
(head on the port side) and when on starboard tack the fitting on the
port side of the tank is submerged and the effluent pressure goes back
to the joker valve. The joker valves are never perfect and they will
leak some. What I did is run a pipe through the tank from the head
fitting in the tank to the opposite side of the tank, so the fitting
is on the port side but the pickup is on the starboard side. Then
when on starboard tack the effluent sloshes to port and the pickup is
out of the effluent. When on port tack, the pickup is submerged, but
is below the level of the head so it doesn't matter. That solved the
problem for me. Does that description make any sense to anybody?
S/V Expresso
'75 C&C 35 Mk II
On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Wally Bryant <
<>> wrote:
Yup, it's not just salt, but an extraordinary amount of excess
minerals are excreted through the kidneys (think about kidney
stones,) and can build up in the hoses and the tank as well. For
the last couple of years I have done an annual job of flushing a
bunch of fresh water through the system, and then pouring about
four gallons of cheap white vinegar down the head. I make sure
some is in the bowl, and that the hoses are full of it. I let it
sit for a day or two, then flush the whole system with fresh
water. After that job I need to disassemble the pump and
lubricate the O-rings with silicone grease.
This particular problem sounds like a bad joker valve, though.
you wrote:
Salt from urine crystallizes on your joker valve
and the joker valve leaks back. Ideally we are supposed to
flush clean
water thru but it never happens on the Great Lakes when you
are trying
to conserve holding tank space.
s/v Stella Blue <>
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