

My 35 MKII has the same holding tank that Alex described and I believe it
might have been there from build.  It would be difficult to remove without
dismantling the teak bulkhead to port of the sink. The top of the tank and
the fill and pump out lines however are clearly visible inside of the
sliding doors above the head.  I installed a new "y" valve, vented loop and
sanitary hoses a few years back as part of my electric marine toilet
installation.  I believe that the old sanitary hoses were responsible for
any bad odours and they were more than have blocked by solid deposits when I
removed them. That holding tank is very small in my opinion but it satisfies
the legal requirement to have one on the boat even though it is seldom
used.overboard discharge is still the way most boaters go around here but
things are changing and I expect that soon we may all be required by law to
use holding tanks so the 25 gallon unit and the way you have installed under
the v-berth interests me.


Dwight Veinot

C&C 35 MKII, Alianna

Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS


From: []
On Behalf Of Gary Russell
Sent: September 15, 2012 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Head Trouble


Hi Alex,

     I haven't seen any evidence that there was a tank on Expresso between
the hull and the liner.  Perhaps that was an option or the first owner did
it.  The idea of some sort of forced ventilation is a good idea.  I'm not
sure I like the idea of going through the deck, however.  There was a great
article in Practical Sailor within the last 6 months on this subject.  I'd
recommend you read that, it's very informative.  I will try to find the



S/V Expresso

'75 C&C 35 Mk II



On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:39 AM, Alex Giannelia <> wrote:

HI Gary and Dwight!

As I understand it, and as evidenced by my forensics when I began rebuilding
the thing, the original 35-II had a small tank port side between the cabin
liner and the hull.  In mine there is an original through hull up there.

The Waste deck fill to pump out was originally labeled "WATER".  One of the
previous owners installed a polyethylene tank in the vee berth and had the
pump out attached via hose to the bow deck fill.

We never had the sloshing problem Gary had, because the P.O. replaced the
toilet with a new Jabsco with the requisite Y fitting in case we ever sailed
the ocean blue.

Our initial problem was poor construction of the polyethylene tank where
there was a bit more than a pinhole at the top which vented out foul air.

After all my reading over the years I have been re-building, I pulled the
tank out and had an additional vent fitting installed in the top which I was
going to vent directly outside and have a fan suck that air out, forcing
fresh air in to increase the balance of aerobic bacteria.  I have not yet
decided where to pierce the deck for this additional fitting.

Another option I have contemplated is a composting toilet, but haven't heard
from real users, just the claims of manufacturers.

So, there you go, any advice would be appreciated.


Toronto Ontario

HI Gary and Dwight!

As I understand it, and as evidenced by my forensics when I began rebuilding
the thing, the original 35-II had a small tank port side between the cabin
liner and the hull.  In mine there is an original through hull up there.

The Waste deck fill to pump out was originally labeled "WATER".  One of the
previous owners installed a polyethylene tank in the vee berth and had the
pump out attached via hose to the bow deck fill.

We never had the sloshing problem Gary had, because the P.O. replaced the
toilet with a new Jabsco with the requisite Y fitting in case we ever sailed
the ocean blue.

Our initial problem was poor construction of the polyethylene tank where
there was a bit more than a pinhole at the top which vented out foul air.

After all my reading over the years I have been re-building, I pulled the
tank out and had an additional vent fitting installed in the top which I was
going to vent directly outside and have a fan suck that air out, forcing
fresh air in to increase the balance of aerobic bacteria.  I have not yet
decided where to pierce the deck for this additional fitting.

Another option I have contemplated is a composting toilet, but haven't heard
from real users, just the claims of manufacturers.

So, there you go, any advice would be appreciated.


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