Crappy topic:(

Rich K

On 2012-09-13, at 16:35, Joel Aronson <> wrote:

> Makes sense, but I am truly disappointed that we have only had one toilet 
> joke in this entire thread!
> Joel
> Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Gary Russell <> wrote:
>> There is another possibility to consider.  In the case of my boat there were 
>> times when the level of the effluent in the tank was above the bowl in the 
>> tank.  In my case the tank is transverse in the boat (head on the port side) 
>> and when on starboard tack the fitting on the port side of the tank is 
>> submerged and the effluent pressure goes back to the joker valve.  The joker 
>> valves are never perfect and they will leak some.  What I did is run a pipe 
>> through the tank from the head fitting in the tank to the opposite side of 
>> the tank, so the fitting is on the port side but the pickup is on the 
>> starboard side.  Then when on starboard tack the effluent sloshes to port 
>> and the pickup is out of the effluent.  When on port tack, the pickup is 
>> submerged, but is below the level of the head so it doesn't matter.  That 
>> solved the problem for me.  Does that description make any sense to anybody?
>> Gary
>>  S/V Expresso
>> '75 C&C 35 Mk II
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Wally Bryant <> wrote:
>> Yup, it's not just salt, but an extraordinary amount of excess minerals are 
>> excreted through the kidneys (think about kidney stones,) and can build up 
>> in the hoses and the tank as well.  For the last couple of years I have done 
>> an annual job of flushing a bunch of fresh water through the system, and 
>> then pouring about four gallons of cheap white vinegar down the head.  I 
>> make sure some is in the bowl, and that the hoses are full of it.  I let it 
>> sit for a day or two, then flush the whole system with fresh water.  After 
>> that job I need to disassemble the pump and lubricate the O-rings with 
>> silicone grease.
>> This particular problem sounds like a bad joker valve, though.
>> Wal
>> you wrote:
>> Salt from urine crystallizes on your joker valve
>> and the joker valve leaks back. Ideally we are supposed to flush clean
>> water thru but it never happens on the Great Lakes when you are trying
>> to conserve holding tank space.
>> -- 
>> s/v Stella Blue
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