Also check the vent hose isn't blocked and causing pressure in the tank and 
forcing the stuff back to the head

Paul. :)

On 2012-09-13, at 8:50 AM, wrote:

> Check the rubber joker valve in the discharge side of the pump...Same 
> problem, different make of head (Groco) and the joker valve was the culprit..
> Jack Fitzgerald
> C&C 39 TM
> Savannah, GA
> In a message dated 9/13/2012 8:47:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> Steve
> We have had a similar problem on the 115 - also a Jabsco manual flush
> head.  In our case the water was backflowing from the discharge hose
> into the bowl.  Our solution was to over pump for approx 20 seconds on
> wet flush before pumping on dry flush.  That way the backflow would at
> least be cleaner water!
> Mike 
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of OldSteveH
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 1:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List Head Trouble
> I've had this disgusting problem a few times and attributed it to
> someone
> over-flushing the head, but I think there's a problem with the head:
> After a few days post-pump-out the head has back filled with blackwater
> while sailing and once while at anchor.
> First few times this happened I chalked it up to a guest over-flushing,
> got
> it pumped and went on my way.
> The Jabsco head is 3 years old. The system was completely redone by
> previous
> owner.
> It was a very well done job, no mickey mouse stuff on the surface, all
> new
> hoses and recommissioned blackwater tank.
> I checked the Jabsco manual and all appears to be piped correctly.
> The last trip was the last straw. I had to go below every 10 minutes and
> scoop some very disgusting water out of the bowl and pour down sink
> drain
> otherwise it would have overflowed. After a couple of hours of this the
> shine wears off, believe me.
> So - my plan is to take out the pump/valve assembly and look for a
> failed
> seal.
> Should the head discharge hose-to-tank have a check valve in it? I think
> not
> because it would become fouled with solids.
> I'm aware of principles of siphoning but short of drawing a diagram I
> don't
> think siphoning is the problem.
> I can't think of anything besides a failed seal.
> Help!
> Steve Hood
> S/V Diamond Girl
> C&C 34
> Lions Head ON
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