Messages by Thread
Clojurists Together Call For Funding Proposals: November 2018 - January 2019
Daniel Compton
[ANN] HoneySQL 0.9.4
Sean Corfield
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.30.0
Howard Lewis Ship
Keyword namespacing best practices
Michael Gardner
[ANN] io.aviso/pretty 0.1.35
Howard Lewis Ship
[ANN] tools.trace 0.7.10
self-driving cars: 2 libraries, 2 tutorial projects
Eric Lavigne
What's the status of DCG in core.logic?
phil jones
clojure code routine
venkata sai
venkata sai
clojure automation
venkata sai
mu4e:view show email address after display name in message headers
Jeff Kowalczyk
[ANN] org.clojure/tools.cli 0.4.1
Sean Corfield
Still loving the lein-test-refresh
Alan Thompson
Stephen Feyrer
[ANN] magic-sheet 0.1.0
Juan Monetta
Clojure(Script) web apps in 2018
Tom Locke
[ANN] tools.deps.alpha 0.5.452 and clj
Alex Miller
[ANN] Clojure 1.10.0-alpha8
Alex Miller
Release a lib w/ specs
Howard Lewis Ship
com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.29.0 and com.walmartlabs/lacinia-pedestal 0.10.0
Howard Lewis Ship
[JOB] Senior software engineer - backend at Exoscale | Switzerland or remote in Europe
Pierre-Yves Ritschard
[ANN] com.vodori/chronology "0.1.0"
Paul Rutledge
[JOB] Clojure / SRE | Board Intelligence (London, UK / Remote)
Patrik Sundberg
[ANN] clj-new @ 21ca1b27f46dc324be084ba839beca555aeda387
Sean Corfield
[ANN] org.clojure/tools.cli 0.4.0
Sean Corfield
[ANN] Missing 0.1.0 - utility functions, transducers, locking by value, and topological sorting
Paul Rutledge
[ANN] debux 0.5.0 is out
Philos Kim
[ANN] Fun-map 0.2.0, blurs the line between identity, state and function
Robert Luo
Pipe shell output into REPL?
[ANN] Clojure 1.10.0-alpha7
Stuart Halloway
[ANN] spec.alpha 0.2.176 and core.specs.alpha 0.2.44
Alex Miller
core.async pipeline bug?
Paul Rutledge
Problem disposing java objects
Arthur Boyer
[ANN] CIDER 0.18 (Saigon) is out!
Bozhidar Batsov
[ANN] nREPL 0.4.5 released!
Bozhidar Batsov
Calling explain on a merge'd spec outputs duplicate error messages
Lucas Groenendaal
A Clojure wrapper for the Coinbase Pro exchange API
Brandon R
Agile in 2018 - Martin Fowler talk
Alan Thompson
[JOB] Senior Engineer | Stedi | Boulder, CO
Re-frame - on-click handler doesn't work, and I can't understand why not
'Simon Brooke' via Clojure
New developments in beginner-friendly editing/repl environments?
'Lee' via Clojure
Why are mutable fields on deftype not public?
Is core.async a stackless or stackfull coroutine implementation?
[?] The Reasoned Schemer vs. core.logic
Philos Kim
Unresolvable ns alias in keyword breaks reader before #_ reader macro applies
Robert Levy
Unqualified symbol resolution during evaluation
Arithmetic simplifier