Actually, if you are trying to write out to a file, then instead do this

(doseq [[name-sym desc-string name-string] (prepare-data spreadsheet)]
  (spit "clinic.clj"
        (pr-str `(onto/defconcept ~name-sym ~desc-string ~name-string))
        :append true))

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 11:30 AM Robert Levy <> wrote:

> I think that if you're wanting to do this then you probably are taking the
> wrong approach, but taking you at face value I would say try something like
> this.  If you provide more information on what you are actually trying to
> do, then you might be able to get better advice.
> (defmacro def-onto-concept [name-sym desc-str name-str]
>   `(onto/defconcept ~name-sym ~desc-str ~name-str))
> (doseq [[name-sym desc-string name-string] (prepare-data spreadsheet)]
>   (def-onto-concept name-sym desc-string name-string))

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