On Sunday 21 March 2004 8:43 pm, Antony Stone wrote:

> On Sunday 21 March 2004 6:37 pm, Erik Corry wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 01:13:51PM -0500, Bit Fuzzy wrote:
> > > I notify the 'recipient' in the event the email in question was
> > > expected (part of a project, family / business correspondence etc).
> >
> > You need to distinguish between Worms and Viruses.  Worms are just
> > propagating themselves.  There's never any harm in dropping a worm
> > since they are not part of a project or a correspondance.
> >
> > Viruses on the other hand attach to otherwise legitimate files and
> > of course they should be bounced.
> I disagree.   Certainly, many years ago, this was true of viruses, but
> today? I don't think so.
> What is the most recent virus you can think of which attached itself to
> otherwise legitimate files, rather than being the entire content of
> whatever it is the victim receives?

Sorry, I should also have added to that question, of course; "and is sent from 
a forged address" (which is the major reason not to bounce them these days).



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difference, whereas in practice there is.

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