> On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 17:01, jef moskot wrote:
>> Worse than that, if the virus is still attached, you're now sending it
>> to
>> someone who might not have otherwise received it.  You're helping to
>> spread the infection.
> When I say bounce I mean reject. We try not to accept them. But
> sometimes we end up accepting them and they will "bounce" back. If we
> warn sender we will often be sending messages to people who have been
> spoofed (it will always go to the sender's email address). If we warn
> recipient then they will flood us asking for information about email
> that has been sent to them.
> Rejection is fairly popular, but it is a game of hot potato. Someone's
> smtp server has the message and will need to deal with it. It is bad
> practice to drop messages in the round file and not tell anyone about
> it.

If the message is created by a virus and spreading a virus, who would you
like to tell about it?  I dont see why simply dropping it is bad in any

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