On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 16:20:38 -0600 (CST), Damian Menscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'll readily agree that creating new notification messages is just
>stupid.  Rejecting the message (with a 550 status, for example) is the
>best thing to do.  This leaves it up to the machine sending the virus to
>generate a bounce.  Given that the sender is almost always the infected
>machine, no bounce will be generated.  This has the (minor) downside
>that messages that came through a relay first will generate a bounce
>(from the relay) to an innocent third party.  On the other hand, it has
>the (major) upside that it is robust against false positives, while
>minimizing the number of bounce messages being passed around.

How do I set sendmail and/or the milter to reject the message with a 550?
Right now, the message just seems to disappear and a message goes into root's

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