> On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 12:51, Jim Maul wrote:
>> > We tend to forward the postmaster account off our each of our mail
>> > servers to other central servers that the admins read it on. If the
>> > postmaster account receives a virus (they are fairly popular addresses
>> > for spam and virus email) they will try to forward it on. The problem
>> is
>> > if that central server is using ClamAV it will bounce the message back
>> > to the originating server.
>> >
>> Why are you bouncing mail back to the server?
> We bounce messages that have viruses. We decided that was the least bad
> thing to do with mail that has viruses. All notification options have
> downsides and we thought this was the least bad. What do you do?

The message gets quarantined and no one is notified.  When most virii sent
are not from actual people, why even bother bouncing the message?


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