Hi Firdous,

Dry mineral oil usually works well, and it does not alter the crystallisation drop composition. Even better if you are using sitting drop. Just add enough mineral oil to cover the crystallisation drop, and you even have a lot more time to pull your crystal out before the high salt condition crystallises around the protein crystals. Eventual ligand could also be added to the crystallization drop before pulling the crystal through the mineral oil.


Den 19/10/18 kl. 23:57, skrev Firdous Tarique:
Dear members

I have got beautiful crystal hits in SaltRx screens which are not diffracting to a good resoultion. All of them are salt based condition and I am not able to formulate a good cryoprotectant for these crystals. I also think that in my case the poor resolution is due to a poor cryoprotectant selection.

The conditions are as follows:

1> 4M Ammonium Acetate 100mM Bis Tris Propane pH 7.0
2>0.5M KCN 100mM Tris pH8.5
3>1.5M LiSo4 100mM Bris Tris Propane pH 7.0
4>4M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Tris pH8.5
5>1.5M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Sodium acetate pH 4.6

There are few more conditions but so far not able to see good diffraction with using lower peg and glycerol based cryoprotectants.

Can anybody suggest me good cryos conditions for salt based crystallization conditions or anything good for SaltRx crystallization hits.




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Magnus Claesson, PhD
Lab manager, Drew-lab
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Stockholm University


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