Dear Friduous,

This is also a good paper to look at once you know your crystals diffract at 
room temperature:

Many of the salts in your condition will be cryo-protective if you increase 
their concentration to saturated levels.



Joseph S. Brock | PhD
Drew Lab
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Stockholm University
From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of CCP4BB automatic 
digest system <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2018 1:00:06 AM
Subject: CCP4BB Digest - 19 Oct 2018 to 20 Oct 2018 (#2018-267)

There are 5 messages totaling 760 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. suggestions for cryoprotectant (4)
  2. RapiData at SSRL 2019


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Date:    Fri, 19 Oct 2018 17:23:49 -0700
From:    Christine Gee <>
Subject: Re: suggestions for cryoprotectant

Dear Fridous

Have a look at

Malonate: a versatile cryoprotectant and stabilizing solution for salt-grown 
macromolecular crystals. - PubMed - 
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2003 Dec;59(Pt 12):2356-8. Epub 2003 Nov 

Malonate as a cryoprotectant


Cryoprotection properties of salts of organic acids: a case study for a 
tetragonal crystal of HEW lysozyme. - PubMed - 
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2010 Jul;66(Pt 7):789-96. doi: 
10.1107/S0907444910015416. Epub 2010 Jun 19.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 2:57 PM Firdous Tarique <>

> Dear members
> I have got beautiful crystal hits in SaltRx screens which are not
> diffracting to a good resoultion. All of them are salt based condition and
> I am not able to formulate a good cryoprotectant for these crystals. I also
> think that in my case the poor resolution is due to a poor cryoprotectant
> selection.
> The conditions are as follows:
> 1> 4M Ammonium Acetate 100mM Bis Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 2>0.5M KCN 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 3>1.5M LiSo4 100mM Bris Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 4>4M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 5>1.5M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Sodium acetate pH 4.6
> There are few more conditions but so far not able to see good diffraction
> with using lower peg and glycerol based cryoprotectants.
> Can anybody suggest me good cryos conditions for salt based
> crystallization conditions or anything good for SaltRx crystallization hits.
> Thanks
> Firdous
> ------------------------------
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Date:    Sat, 20 Oct 2018 02:21:41 +0000
From:    "Smith, Clyde" <>
Subject: RapiData at SSRL 2019

Hi everyone,

Applications are now open for the 2019 edition of RapiData at SSRL. RapiData is 
a practical course in macromolecular X-ray diffraction data collection, data 
processing and structure solution. The aim of the RapiData course is to educate 
and train young scientists in data collection and processing methods at 
synchrotron beamlines, using state-of-the-art software and instrumentation. The 
course will be held at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) 
located on the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory campus in Menlo Park, CA, 
from May 5-10 2019. Course organizers for 2019 are Silvia Russi, Clyde Smith 
and Jeney Wierman.

The course will comprise hands-on experiments at the SSRL beamlines, software 
tutorials, and lectures on the following topics:
Specimen preparation, Data collection strategies, X-ray light sources, X-ray 
detectors, Data reduction, Structure solution by MAD, SAD and Molecular 
Replacement, Complementary methods (spectroscopy and small angle scattering)

Please visit and use 
the links on the "registration" page to apply for the course. The application 
deadline is December 31 2018 Successful applicants will be notified early in 
January 2019 and invited to register and book accommodation at the SLAC 
Guesthouse at that time. A limited amount of travel support funding may be 
RapiData 2019 at SLAC<>
RapiData 2019 is a practical course in macromolecular X-ray diffraction data 
collection, data processing and structure solution.

Please direct questions to Silvia Russi (, Jeney 
Wierman ( or Clyde Smith (


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Date:    Sat, 20 Oct 2018 09:01:51 +0200
From:    Andreas Förster <>
Subject: Re: suggestions for cryoprotectant

Dear Firdous,

get some Mitegen sleeves and test your crystals at RT. Before you establish
 diffraction, there’s no need to agonize about cryo-conditions.

Good luck!


On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 at 23:57, Firdous Tarique <>

> Dear members
> I have got beautiful crystal hits in SaltRx screens which are not
> diffracting to a good resoultion. All of them are salt based condition and
> I am not able to formulate a good cryoprotectant for these crystals. I also
> think that in my case the poor resolution is due to a poor cryoprotectant
> selection.
> The conditions are as follows:
> 1> 4M Ammonium Acetate 100mM Bis Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 2>0.5M KCN 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 3>1.5M LiSo4 100mM Bris Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 4>4M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 5>1.5M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Sodium acetate pH 4.6
> There are few more conditions but so far not able to see good diffraction
> with using lower peg and glycerol based cryoprotectants.
> Can anybody suggest me good cryos conditions for salt based
> crystallization conditions or anything good for SaltRx crystallization hits.
> Thanks
> Firdous
> ------------------------------
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Date:    Sat, 20 Oct 2018 09:59:45 +0200
From:    mesters <>
Subject: Re: suggestions for cryoprotectant


have a look at the following interesting papers

Multicomponent mixtures for cryoprotection and ligand 
Mixed cryoprotectants have been developed for the solubilization of ligands for 
crystallization of protein–ligand complexes and for crystal soaking. Low 
affinity lead compounds with poor solubility are problematic for structural 
studies. Complete ...

Progress in rational methods of cryoprotection in macromolecular 
Cryogenic cooling of macromolecular crystals is commonly used for X-ray data 
collection both to reduce crystal damage from radiation and to gather 
functional information by cryogenically trapping intermediates. However, the 
cooling process can damage ...

Efficient Cryoprotection of Macromolecular Crystals using Vapor Diffusion of 
Volatile Alcohols<>
Macromolecular X-ray crystallography, usually done at cryogenic temperature to 
limit radiation damage, often requires liquid cryoprotective soaking that can 
be labor intensive and damaging to crystals. Here we describe a method for 
cryoprotection that ...

Good luck


Am 19.10.18 um 23:57 schrieb Firdous Tarique:
> Dear members
> I have got beautiful crystal hits in SaltRx screens which are not
> diffracting to a good resoultion. All of them are salt based condition
> and I am not able to formulate a good cryoprotectant for these
> crystals. I also think that in my case the poor resolution is due to a
> poor cryoprotectant selection.
> The conditions are as follows:
> 1> 4M Ammonium Acetate 100mM Bis Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 2>0.5M KCN 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 3>1.5M LiSo4 100mM Bris Tris Propane pH 7.0
> 4>4M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Tris pH8.5
> 5>1.5M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Sodium acetate pH 4.6
> There are few more conditions but so far not able to see good
> diffraction with using lower peg and glycerol based cryoprotectants.
> Can anybody suggest me good cryos conditions for salt based
> crystallization conditions or anything good for SaltRx crystallization
> hits.
> Thanks
> Firdous
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dr.math. et dis. nat. Jeroen R. Mesters
Deputy, Senior Researcher & Lecturer
Program Coordinator /Infection Biology/
Introduction: Universität zu 
Universität zu Lübeck. Im Focus das Leben

Institute of Biochemistry, University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160, 23538 Lübeck, Germany
phone: +49-451-31013105 (secretariate -31013101)
fax: +49-451-31013104

[] <Http://> <Http://>
Infection Biology: Universität zu 
Universität zu Lübeck. Im Focus das Leben <Http://>

Visiting Professorship in Biophysics, University of South Bohemia (CZ)
President of the International Organization for Biological
Crystallization (IOBCr)
If you can look into the seeds of time and tell which grain will grow
and which will not, speak then to me who neither beg nor fear
(Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3)
"Aujourd'hui je sais qu'il n'y a pas de limites à la bêtise humaine -
qu'elle est infinie." (Gustave Flaubert, French novelist, 1821-1880)
It is invariably the case that high resolution X-ray structures show
significantly better agreement with solution observables such as
coupling constants, 13C chemical shifts, and proton chemical shifts,
than the corresponding NMR structures, including the very best ones.
Hence, in most cases, a high-resolution crystal structure (< 2.0 Å)will
provide a better description of the structure in solution than the
corresponding NMR structure  (Kuszewski, Gronenborn & Clore, 1996,
Protein Science 5:1067-80)
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Date:    Sat, 20 Oct 2018 15:03:41 +0000
From:    "Thomas, Leonard M." <>
Subject: Re: suggestions for cryoprotectant

This is the first thing you need to do before going down the rabbit hole 
looking for a cryo protectant.  Mitegen make it much easier then in the 'old 
days' of capillaries.

Good luck,

On Oct 20, 2018 2:02 AM, Andreas Förster <> wrote:
Dear Firdous,

get some Mitegen sleeves and test your crystals at RT. Before you establish  
diffraction, there’s no need to agonize about cryo-conditions.

Good luck!


On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 at 23:57, Firdous Tarique 
<<>> wrote:
Dear members

I have got beautiful crystal hits in SaltRx screens which are not diffracting 
to a good resoultion. All of them are salt based condition and I am not able to 
formulate a good cryoprotectant for these crystals. I also think that in my 
case the poor resolution is due to a poor cryoprotectant selection.

The conditions are as follows:

1> 4M Ammonium Acetate 100mM Bis Tris Propane pH 7.0
2>0.5M KCN 100mM Tris pH8.5
3>1.5M LiSo4 100mM Bris Tris Propane pH 7.0
4>4M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Tris pH8.5
5>1.5M Sodium Nitrate 100mM Sodium acetate pH 4.6

There are few more conditions but so far not able to see good diffraction with 
using lower peg and glycerol based cryoprotectants.

Can anybody suggest me good cryos conditions for salt based crystallization 
conditions or anything good for SaltRx crystallization hits.




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End of CCP4BB Digest - 19 Oct 2018 to 20 Oct 2018 (#2018-267)


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