On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Ed Murphy wrote:
> G. wrote:
>> None were particularly compelling.  Like Notes, the overhead of choosing
>> one's location etc. was just More Trouble Than It Was Worth.  It's not
>> that your proto is bad, it's just that it's similar and for some reason,
>> the past ones just didn't work particularly well.
> How were Notes any more troublesome than the AAA?  (I suppose that
> raises the question of whether the AAA has also run its course.)

I dunno, I didn't bother with either.  But the AAA isn't really a map,
it's a portfolio (or do I misunderstand your question?)

I, for one, never bothered strategically to match all the varied ways
of earning notes with the ways of spending them.  I just did what I
did, and every so often noticed I didn't have the right notes to do
anything useful.  Having 12 notes IMO didn't add anything that couldn't
have been accomplished with 3 - it felt like sacrificing gameplay for
the sake of the metaphor.


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