On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:51, Benjamin
Caplan<celestialcognit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> C-walker wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:27 PM, G. wrote:
>>> 6. �Some punishments can move you down ranks (but rests still
>>> � �exist, otherwise people on bottom of list can break rules
>>> � �with impunity).
>> Why not just allow lower places on the list than there are players?
>> After a certain point, (being P places below N) the ordinary voting
>> limit of the player should become 0.
>> Allowing 'empty places' on the list could make things more
>> interesting: maybe players could automatically rise to the top of
>> pockets of empty places in the list?
> Alternatively, have fake players on the list with names like Threshhold
> of Allowed to Vote. Then the size of the list would be N+K, where N is
> the number of players and K is the number of fake players.
I like this idea. Perhaps you could add 8-10 "Voting Limit +1" names
to the list, and then each player's voting limit is equal to the
number of those names below them on the list. New players could start
just above the bottom Voting Limit +1 item. These non-players could be
moved up X ranks periodically, or perhaps with the play of a card.

Slightly more complex proto:

Create a grid. Locate items (perhaps cards?) onto the grid with powers
such as "Voting Limit +1", "Judicial Rank +1", "Points Multiplier
x1.5". Each player has a location switch which is an {X,Y} coordinate
pair that can be flipped either at will or by a card-play, and a range
index which can be incremented or decremented based on that player's
performance (replacing rests, caste, MwP, etc.). Players gain all the
benefits of items that are located on the grid within range of them.
Players can then strategically locate themselves on the grid to
attempt to gain the powers they desire.


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