On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
>>> Legislature is a player switch with values Quoredupon and Unquoredfor
>>> (default). A player CAN flip eir Legislature to Unquoredfor by
>>> announcement. A player CAN flip eir Legislature to Quoredupon by
>>> submitting a valid ballot on an Agoran Decision.
>> Yet another simple system:  you lose points for everything you don't vote
>> on.  (we've done that before).  Less then -P points, you can be made
>> inactive.
>> I generally think we should keep only one participation/non-participation
>> switch that eventually leads down the road to deregistration.  How does
>> it benefit the game to allow lots of unquored for non-voter non-
>> participants to just "sit there" within the game indefinitely?
> The idea is that there would be some people that aren't interested in
> being legislators, but are interested in other parts of the game
> (judging, contract subgames, etc.) I refer again to the analogy with
> Posture: a person can be an active participant without judging; the same
> should be true of voting.
> This would also be an important step toward Agora growing larger and
> more powerful. At the moment, the Rules can only really affect people
> who are interested in helping to make them, which is significantly
> unlike most "real-world" legal systems. Enabling "civilians" could
> increase the Agoran population by a factor of four, helping Agora to
> come into its own as the true superpower of nomics.

Ah I see!  Moving back to the specialized role within a larger economy.
Perhaps then say "if ALL your activity switches are off (posture,
non-quorum, not an officer, not a contestmaster of a recently active
contract) then you are a Cabbage, and can be made inactive".

The only risk I see is that reducing quorum when the number of active
players stays high ups the conspiracy attempt: in the words of a past
wise agoran, "quorum describes the minimum size for a legislative


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