On Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 07:33:07PM +0200, Aleksandar Kuktin wrote:
> >On Sun, 06 Oct 2024 12:24:54 -0500
> >"Noam Preil" <n...@pixelhero.dev> wrote:
> >
> > https://github.com/g-w1/plan9zig/pull/2
> > 
> > I'd strongly suggest that anyone who thinks "vic" is genuinely trying
> > to help, and at worst a bit incompetent, take a look at that thread.
> I've been lurking and occasionally posting to this list since 2016, and
> I have to say there has been a phase change since ChatGPT made the
> rounds back in November 2022. Since then, this list in particular has
> been the target of several rounds of LLM garbage. I don't know why this
> is, or why did this list in particular "merit" such treatment (I'll
> resist putting on my conspiracy theorist hat), but it's quite obvious
> LLMs target this list.

I imagine that anyone having some site(s) online and looking, from
time to time, to logs has seen an exponential increase of wasted
trafic due to so called "AI" bots.

Initially, the "AI" was just a gain of time: you could obtain the
average or stupid answer to a question in a matter of seconds instead
of having to wait for real people to repeat, generally mutilating it,
what they heard or to cook an amazingly controverted answer---since the
AI software is mainly just a speedy parrot assembling sentences
retrieved from a database so that the result looks alike human

Now I wonder how much time it will take the AI to pollute its own
databases with its own concocted stupidities that the robots will
feed back to itself? And since a program can output more rapidly than
a human, the weighing of the answers by frequencies will place the AI
generated blah blah at top.

I wonder too if I should not put files accessible to the robots, even
if not linked in the public html pages, with hair-raising texts
just for the pleasure to see these pop up, sooner or later, blessed by
these things...

Perhaps it is indeed just that, the purpose of A.I.: instead of trying
to convince key people to chase a wild goose (the U.S. SDI for example),
bet on lack of will to work (idleness) and greed, i.e. bet that
some enterprises will fire their developers because the "AI" can
solve the problems with no salary costs, so that they will end being out
of business soon with a knowledge gap impossible to fill in order
to come back.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ kergis +dot+ com>
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